It’s episode #6 BAD LADY TOWN
AKA Female Trouble, AKA Lady Problems, AKA… the Bad Bitches of Bad Town.
Apologies for the problematic gendered terminology, we mean these terms in their BROADest sense…. okay, apologies for the terrible pun. We truly are bad. Don’t get us wrong! WE ACKNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT THE FLUIDITY OF SEX/GENDER!!!
If you didn’t already know - the Good Time Girls have teamed up with the ladies of The City of Subdued Podcast to bring you the darkest, the most oppressive, the spookiest, and the baaaaaadest parts of Bellingham History!
In this week’s episode we feature stories of the less-often-arrested sex. We tell stories about women who ran afoul of the law, as well as the women charged with policing them!
You can read more details on some of what we discuss in a previous blog here:
Mugshot of Georgia Allen, who was arrested in 1912 for attempting to aid prisoners to escape the Whatcom County Jail. She was sentenced to Walla Walla State Penitentiary at age 19.
Meet Georgia Allen, alias “Gypsy Cameron”
Back in the early years of the Good Time Girls, Marissa had visited the state archives and taken photos of various Walla Walla State Prison records. There were very few women included in those mugshots, and as this one was also arrested IN BELLINGHAM it really stood out to us.
Let’s talk about her mugshot... she looks like a pretty average 1912 era young lady, clearly not wealthy or fancy… she’s wearing spectacles on a chain… Through our modern lens she kinda looks like a librarian at first glance.
But Georgia clearly had an interesting, and decidedly hard, life… here are her stats:
Prisoner # 6488
Name: Georgia Allen Nee: Georgia McDonald Alias: Gypsy Cameron
Age: 19 Height 5’3” Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: dark brown Eyes: brown
Born in and native to Canada
Crime: Aiding prisoner to escape
Received from Whatcom April 4, 1912
Sentenced to 1-10 years
Marks and Scars: Red and blue tattoo, clasped hands on heart & wreath on outer left bicep. U.S. Flag, British Union Jack, rising sun & arrowhead (one design) outer right bicep. Oblique scar outer 2nd joint left thumb. Boil scar on back right wrist. Vertical scar on forehead, a little to left center.
You can also at any of these podcast-listening places: google podcasts, apple podcasts, spotify, or podbay as well as on local Bellingham radio station KMRE Thu Nov 12 2020, 10:00pm - 11:00pm
And stay tuned for more bad-lady-town fun next week with the true story of a GASP, female barber…