The Podcast: History of the Terminal Building
AKA Tony’s Coffee Shop
In this episode we explore the history of Bellingham’s beloved Terminal Building, also known as Tony’s Coffee and many other names. The oldest building in the Fairhaven Historic District suffered a tragic fire in December of 2023 that included a loss of life. We take a look at the 130+ years of the history of the building including the saloon years, the Busy Corner store, and beloved coffee shop.
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References and Resources
Fundraiser Honoring the Memory of Nate Breaux
For Izabella, daughter of Nate Breaux
Collecting Stories of the Terminal Building
“Please send your submissions to or mail them to Village Books and Paper Dreams to the owners’ attention. Or bring them in-person. We’re always glad to see you.”
Sources and resources accessed for this episode include:
Whatcom Museum Photo Archives collections.
Galen Biery Papers and Photographs, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Libraries Archives & Special Collections, Western Libraries, Western Washington University. Accessed via:
Property records accessed via The Northwest Regional Branch of the State Archives and
Archived newspapers accessed via,, and the microfilm collections at the Bellingham Public Library and the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies.
Other miscellaneous records via