Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Podcast: Bad Booze Town (Re-release)
In this episode we get into prohibition era Bad-Town, complete with rum running, bootlegging and speak-easies (aka Blind Pigs). AND a story straight from the LaBree family vaults.
The Podcast: Big Birds in Bad Town
In this episode we tell the story of Hill’s Ostrich Farm, operated by William E. Hill in 1911 in Bellingham, on Electric Avenue near Whatcom Falls Park. We delve into the history of Ostrich Farming and how there came to be such a feather-brained idea in the first place, the fate of the farm and the Ostrich plume craze, as well as some more recent news from the world of ratite farming. Ostrich burger anyone?
The Podcast: Bellinghistory 101
This episode is a general basic overview of the history of this area, the background that might be useful to know while listening to our podcast and our stories based here in this town and this place on the planet. If you don’t need a quick refresher on US/Washington/PNW and the basics of how the town came to be here, feel free to skip this one!
Y'all are ready for fall!
We feel like fall is falling early this year… maybe it’s the bout of rainy weather, maybe it’s the gloom of this never-ending pandemic… but we’re getting A LOT of inquiries about GORE AND LORE TOURS. Y’all are in a DARK MOOD already…. LET’S DO IT. WE ARE STARTING OUR GORE AND LORE TOURS EARLY THIS YEAR! THESE ARE ALWAYS OUR MOST POPULAR TOURS, SO WE JUST DECIDED TO BRING IT ON! BOOKABLE NOW DATES STARTING MID-SEPTEMBER THROUGH HALLOWEEN….