Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Podcast Gettin' Wrecked (Part 2)
In this episode we regale you with the saga of the wreck of the Steamer Buckeye, a little steamship of the Mosquito Fleet, that capsized in Bellingham Bay in 1895 between Eliza Island and today’s Larrabee State park with a small crew and several passengers including Will D. Jenkins, local editor and mayor of the town of Whatcom. This episode features one human casualty, and a number of unfortunate livestock. It’s a buck-wild story!
The Podcast: Bellinghistory 101
This episode is a general basic overview of the history of this area, the background that might be useful to know while listening to our podcast and our stories based here in this town and this place on the planet. If you don’t need a quick refresher on US/Washington/PNW and the basics of how the town came to be here, feel free to skip this one!
Ahoy Mateys! It be time for a Sea Shanty Sing-Along!
It’s that time of year again, time for Bellingham’s Annual SeaFeast Festival, celebrating Bellingham’s maritime bounty and heritage. A few years ago we joined forced with our beloved Sea Shanty Singalong to start a new SeaFeast tradition!This year we will be singing salty songs in the Mountain Room at Boundary Bay, following the Fisher Poets on Bellingham Bay on Saturday, September 21st.
Three FREE Summer Tours!
We’re excited to announce this opportunity to get outside and get some FREE Belling-history this summer with three guided historical tours in partnership with the Bellingham Parks and Recreation Department.
Good Time Girl guides will lead three different historical walking tours based around Maritime Heritage Park and Whatcom Creek!