Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Bellinghistory Show
Ahoy Mateys! It be time for a Sea Shanty Sing-Along!
It’s that time of year again, time for Bellingham’s Annual SeaFeast Festival, celebrating Bellingham’s maritime bounty and heritage. A few years ago we joined forced with our beloved Sea Shanty Singalong to start a new SeaFeast tradition!This year we will be singing salty songs in the Mountain Room at Boundary Bay, following the Fisher Poets on Bellingham Bay on Saturday, September 21st.
Summer Kickoff Party! Bellingham CRIBS Episode 2, History Bingo and Beer!
We’re having a party to celebrate the kickoff of our 2019 Summer Tour Season, and the premier of BELLINGHAM CRIBS EPISODE 2! THURSDAY JUNE 20th from 7-9 PM in the MOUNTAIN ROOM AT BOUNDARY BAY