Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Bellinghistory Show
The Good Time Girls Sea Shanty Sing-a-long
You know what we love? Seafood! And Bellingham SeaFeast is the place to be if you love SeaFood! You know where we will be this weekend? SeaFeast! We'll be the salty emcees for the event and even bellowing out some Sea Shanties! Join us!
The Podcast: Sea Monsters (Part 2)
In this episode we continue our exploration of monsters of the deep. We’ll dish on the sea-monster stars of the 20th century, creepy carcasses and cryptids sighted in and around Bellingham Bay and the waters of the Salish Sea.
The Podcast: Sea Monsters (Part 1)
In this episode we dive in (pun intended) to the seemingly bottomless pool of sea monster stories. Whether they be myth, lore or just a really big fish, “monsters of the deep” have inspired many a whopper of a tale here in Bellingham and the PNW over the years. Release the Kraken!