Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Good Time Girls Sea Shanty Sing-a-long
You know what we love? Seafood! And Bellingham SeaFeast is the place to be if you love SeaFood! You know where we will be this weekend? SeaFeast! We'll be the salty emcees for the event and even bellowing out some Sea Shanties! Join us!
Sea Shanty Singalong 2023
The Good Time Girls’ Sea Shanty Sing-a-long is back! The Bellingham Good Time Girls' will lead a rousing sing-a-long of sea shanties for a great cause—Bellingham SeaFeast! Join us at Boundary Bay Brewery on Saturday, March 11 from 5-8pm. $10 donation at the door.
Ahoy Mateys! It be time for a Sea Shanty Sing-Along!
It’s that time of year again, time for Bellingham’s Annual SeaFeast Festival, celebrating Bellingham’s maritime bounty and heritage. A few years ago we joined forced with our beloved Sea Shanty Singalong to start a new SeaFeast tradition!This year we will be singing salty songs in the Mountain Room at Boundary Bay, following the Fisher Poets on Bellingham Bay on Saturday, September 21st.