Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Bellinghistory Show
Historical Research
Kolby LaBree
Historical Research
Kolby LaBree
Bellingham, 1911: Women Arrested for Wearing Pants
In 1911 two young Bellingham women caused a “Flurry” on Holly Street by wearing the latest controversial ladies’ fashion… the “Harem Skirt.” Despite the name, the scandalous aspect of the “Harem Skirt” was really about women wearing “men’s wear,” or pants.
Historical Research
Guest User
Historical Research
Guest User
Case Study: Lorena Upper the Female Barber
From these articles, it appears that Lorena was harassed while she was with customers, peeped-on through a spy hole, beaten by her accuser, and the case against her relied entirely on eyewitness testimony that itself relied heavily on euphemism and innuendo. The city brought forth witnesses who were almost entirely local business men and whose testimony is dripping with hearsay.