Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Podcast: Bad Butchered Town (Re-Release)
In this week’s episode, we revisit one of our favorite Bellingham true-crime stories, the murder of a local butcher, Frederick Dames, in 1905. Though declared “solved” a few years later, doubts remain as to whether the supposed perpetrator was actually responsible for this particular crime.
In this week’s FINAL episode we get into the “vintage” era of the 1970s and 1980s and Bellingham’s divey waterfront scene with a discussion of our legendary “Serial Killer Bar” as well as a crazy unsolved mystery of a body found in the former Georgia Pacific mill complex. That’s right, it’s another podcast companion blog update for episode 12 of season 2 of the City of Subdued... BAD TOWN. The Good Time Girls have teamed up with the ladies of The City of Subdued Podcast to bring you a season of the darkest, the most oppressive, the spookiest, and the baaaaaadest parts of Bellingham History!