Blog Posts and Podcast Notes

The Podcast - Ghost Whispering: Chattin' with Chuck
In this episode we deviate slightly from our usual programming to chat with Charles Crooks, aka “Chuck,” our friend and ghost-whisperer and honorary Good Time Guy, who just started offering Bellingham Ghost Tours this year.
Buried Bellinghistory: Guided Tours of Bayview Cemetery
Bayview Cemetery was founded in 1887 when the town of Whatcom purchased a 10-acre plot on the outskirts of town on “the wagon road to the lake.” We’ll discuss what came before, how the cemetery got started and how it’s grown over time. We’ll explore the older sections of the cemetery and visit some of the most intriguing monuments. We’ll say hello to a lot of interesting folks who were laid to eternal rest over a century ago.
Y'all are ready for fall!
We feel like fall is falling early this year… maybe it’s the bout of rainy weather, maybe it’s the gloom of this never-ending pandemic… but we’re getting A LOT of inquiries about GORE AND LORE TOURS. Y’all are in a DARK MOOD already…. LET’S DO IT. WE ARE STARTING OUR GORE AND LORE TOURS EARLY THIS YEAR! THESE ARE ALWAYS OUR MOST POPULAR TOURS, SO WE JUST DECIDED TO BRING IT ON! BOOKABLE NOW DATES STARTING MID-SEPTEMBER THROUGH HALLOWEEN….